New Blog!
“How Be Humanitarian Changed The Life Of A Guatemalan Mom”

“Be Humanitarian has implemented a nutrition and education program that has successfully improved the health and education of children. The vision is to educate them so their brains and bodies are developed and they have equal footing with other children in the world. Tobie Spears, Founder, and Director, also seeks to educate parents and sponsor children as they go to school. Through the generosity of sponsors, Be Humanitarian can provide children with the necessary resources to attend school, including paying their fees, buying uniforms, and purchasing school supplies.”


While traveling people develop friendships with ease – Meeting new people and making new friends – this part is inevitable and is one of my ultimate goals. When I started my program I dreamed of the creation of friendships that would last a lifetime. Our family has friends from all walks of life thanks to the technology we have that allows us to connect to others.

Have you ever considered sending your teen on a service vacation? Can you imagine the kind of good they can do in the world and how much they can learn on a service vacation! We cannot wait to share with you what the teens from this trip say about their experience and hopefully inspire some of you to consider such a fun opportunity.

Are you or someone you know traveling to Guatemala this year? These wonderful friends brought down 200 lbs of books for our kiddos on their vacation! How generous! We will happily pay the luggage fees in order to help you get any goods down to our community. Keep us in mind for your next trip!

Have you traveled with us?
Share your experiences by clicking on the QR code above!

2023 Trips!

12 Day July Adventure
Guatemalan Service Vacation
July 27th – August 7th

The Institute Ireland Trip
June 13th – 22nd 2023

October Guatemalan Service Vacation
Oct 8 – 15, 2024

Fair Trade Adventure
Guatemalan Service Vacation
Jan 14 – 21, 2024