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First tip when looking for fundraising ideas for your service vacation: Be creative and have fun. The possibilities are endless!

Our Most Popular Ideas:

  • Click here to create a Facebook fundraiser with Be Humanitarian and watch your donations come in.
  • Auction – Ask local businesses, artists and craftspeople to donate items for auction. A great event idea with children (a school group, for example), is to organize an art auction featuring the children’s artwork.

Get busy in the kitchen:

  • Make and Sell Your Own Cookie Dough $7+ tub
  • Dinner $20+ Spaghetti is a low-cost meal that’s easy to make in large amounts, and everyone loves it!
  • Some other fun, low-cost meal options are pancakes and hotdogs. Your favorite soup or curry $12+ tub – include delivery to make it extra special.

Bake Sale:

  • This tried and true fundraising event is an American classic everyone loves. Participants love to show off their culinary expertise, and check out the accomplishments of friends and neighbors.

Yard Sale:

  • One person’s trash is almost always another person’s treasure, which is why yard sales are such fun and successful events.

Host a fundraising Event:

  • Collaborate with others. Host a talent show, art show, concert, auction using donated items from local businesses, 5K, tournament, dance party, cook off, car wash, luau, etc.

Pre-Sell Items Before Your Trip:

  • Guatemalan Hot Chocolate – a delicious treat that you could sell for $20 when you return from your trip.
  • Art Show – print out your trip photos and sell them. Have an art show for local friends and family to come enjoy light refreshments and buy your artwork
  • Organic Guatemalan Coffee – a delicious treat you can sell in Guatemala and sell it for a profit when you return home.


  • Send letters to friends, relatives, friends of the family, acquaintances, old teachers, co-workers, professors.
  • Waive all holiday & birthday gifts; request financial gifts instead (to use towards your experience).
  • Network via social media platforms.
  • Check with local businesses.
  • Check with your employer. Some companies are willing to provide financial support for a service experience if they feel it will add value to their organization.

I’m sure there are many additional ways for you to earn your Service Vacation and I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Please reach out with any additional questions.
– Tobie