“If you make the world better for kids, you make it better for everyone.”

-Kid President

Check out this link to see Tobie in action!

Last week Tobie was on Talk Shop Live answering and all of your questions about what it’s like to travel with Be Humanitarian, what to expect and reasons to do it.

Did you get a chance to see it? If not, check out the link to see the full interview, get more info about our 2023 travel plans!


You get to give back – Each time we visit a developing country we take the opportunity to work along side local families, visit orphanages and local schools. On our last trip to Guatemala we built garden boxes for local families. The kids worked hard all day long hauling supplies, learning how to use a screw gun, working as a team. The garden boxes were built on the families land and these families were so proud that they could feed their families with what grew inside that box. On another trip we got to deliver books to a library in Mexico. My girls were devastated to learn that other countries didn’t have libraries so we decided to furnish a library for my friends school. My students have helped with haircuts, played chalk and bubbles with children living in orphanages. They have delivered hair bows, school supplies, milk, formula and diapers to these children. They have laughed with them, run with them, played with them.

Recently, Be Humanitarian was featured in a new article for Best Holistic Magazine! Read “Be A Change Maker In The World”

Check out www.bestholisticlife.com to learn more

“Guatemala, a country in Central America, has the highest chronic malnutrition rate in Latin America and the Caribbean, ranking fourth globally. Chronic malnutrition affects nearly all of Guatemalan children under the age of five. Poverty plays a huge part in this problem, and is a debilitating cause of childhood malnutrition. For families that are unable to afford sufficient food, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the lack of nutrient-dense food is getting worse by the day. To Address this, Be Humanitarian started the Weekly Dinner Box in October 2021 for 23 families and a total of 87 individuals. Each week we are able to provide thousands of meals to a grateful community with a box of healthy food.”

-Tobie Spears
Founder, Be Humanitarian

Up & Coming Trips!

12 Day July Adventure
Guatemalan Service Vacation
July 27th – August 7th

The Institute Ireland Trip
June 13th – 22nd 2023

October Guatemalan Service Vacation
Oct 8 – 15, 2024

Fair Trade Adventure
Guatemalan Service Vacation
Jan 14 – 21, 2024