“All kids need is a little help, a little hope & someone who believes in them.”

– Magic Johnson

A recent New York Times Article exposed the rising levels of underage child migrant workers in the US. Sadly, the majority of them are coming from Guatemala. Your monthly contribution really helps to keep these kiddos with their families and from becoming a statistic in the US.

“Migrant child labor benefits both under-the-table operations and global corporations, The Times found. In Los Angeles, children stitch “Made in America” tags into J. Crew shirts. They bake dinner rolls sold at Walmart and Target, process milk used in Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and help de-bone chicken sold at Whole Foods. As recently as the fall, middle-schoolers made Fruit of the Loom socks in Alabama. In Michigan, children make auto parts used by Ford and General Motors.

The number of unaccompanied minors entering the United States climbed to a high of 130,000 last year — three times what it was five years earlier — and this summer is expected to bring another wave.

These are not children who have stolen into the country undetected. The federal government knows they are in the United States, and the Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for ensuring sponsors will support them and protect them from trafficking or exploitation.”

Check out this link to see Tobie in action today!

She will be on Talk Shop Live answering any and all of your questions about what it’s like to travel with Be Humanitarian, what to expect and reasons to do it.

We hope you will join us!


There are few things that can develop gratitude as fast as coming face to face with humble circumstances. When traveling to a developing country you get up close and personal with poverty. This reality check can also be a great attitude check for you and your children. While traveling in Mexico we met a friends pregnant maid. We were told that she was struggling to feed herself and her family. So, we went to her home to visit her. We visited her one room home and were warmly welcomed. To our astonishment her entire home was the size of our daughter’s bedroom. They had a semi functional bathroom and 2 beds inside while all the cooking, clothes washing and dish washing occurred outside. While there I asked if I could use her restroom and was so embarrassed that she had to go borrow toilet paper for me to use. So, for the next month we would go to the market to purchase household items that were needed. My study abroad participants picked out beans, rice, tomatoes, onions, meat, toilet paper, etc. We delivered these items each week to the amazement of Maria and her family. On the last week my participants all pitched in, using their own money, to buy a nice toy and outfit for the new baby and her sister. I was humbled that they had chosen to give this gift without my prompting.

” Fill your life with experiences, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.”


Have you booked your 2023 trip yet?

We can’t wait to travel with you!

12 Day July Adventure
Guatemalan Service Vacation
July 27th – August 7th

The Institute Ireland Trip
June 13th – 22nd 2023

October Guatemalan Service Vacation
Oct 8 – 15, 2024

Fair Trade Adventure
Guatemalan Service Vacation
Jan 14 – 21, 2024