Meet Hermenia and her oldest daughter while her darling sons smile. This family is new to our program and are receiving their first water filter. Mayra shares her gratitude for the opportunity to drink purified water.

Over three years ago we were able to provide our families with new water filters however the filtration system is only good for about three years and it was time to replace the filters. A few months ago, for less than $800 we were able to provide new water filters for all our 31 families.
Many families in Guatemala drink water from the ‘outside pila’ which causes parasites, diarrhea and stomach aches. The privilege of drinking clean water is a life saving one and I am grateful that our families are able to access clean drinking water. A brand new water filter costs $80 and will provide clean water for a family for 3 years. Do you know someone who would like to donate a water filter for a local family?
