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Behavior Expectations Agreement

I understand that as a world traveler I am an ambassador of peace and understanding. I will present a positive attitude and outlook during our trip. I understand that many Guatemalans may have little experience with someone from the U.S. and that my behavior and attitude can have a long lasting effect on the opinion of all outsiders. My role as an ambassador is very important and I will treat my role with respect. I understand that international travel may push me out of my comfort zone and I agree to have a positive outlook on all of the valuable lessons I’m learning.

I understand that illegal items brought into or purchased in Guatemala will result in a fine and possible arrest by the Guatemalan Government. Parents and minors understand that bringing illegal items with them puts the entire group at risk. I agree that I WILL NOT BRING ILLEGAL DRUGS or ILLEGAL ITEMS with me or purchase said items while in Guatemala.

I understand that illegal items brought into or purchased in Guatemala will result in a fine and possible arrest by the Guatemalan Government. Parents and minors understand that bringing illegal items with them puts the entire group at risk. I agree that I WILL NOT BRING ILLEGAL DRUGS or ILLEGAL ITEMS with me or purchase said items while in Guatemala.

I understand that I alone am responsible for my behavior. I have no one else to blame for my behavior but myself. I will take responsibility for my actions without blaming others. I will accept my consequences and learn from my mistakes.

I will be kind to others by treating them respectfully. I will use polite manners and speak respectfully to others. I will respect the property, privacy, and feelings of others. I agree to be honest, kind and loving. I will not take others property or touch others things without permission.

I will act responsibly by doing the things that are expected of me in a consistent and timely manner. I will do things to the best of my ability, and will avoid making excuses or procrastinating.

I will keep myself and those around me safe by avoiding behaviors that are aggressive, destructive, or dangerous. I will follow the rules and do what is expected of me each day.

I will be patient, polite, respectful, and courteous to others. I understand that I will not be allowed to speak rudely or disrespectfully to anyone. I understand that being rude, pessimistic, or negative affects the energy of the entire group. If I am upset I agree to speak with Tobie (and / or the group) and brainstorm ideas on how to create a better situation.

I agree to act according to this contract and create a wonderful experience for myself and our entire group. In the spirit of creating the best experience for our entire group, any participant who is unwilling to abide by this contract may be sent home at their own expense.

PHONES: I agree that my phone will be used for documenting my service vacation and not to stay connected to social media, friends and family. I agree to be in the moment and participate in the experiences and not hide inside my phone. There will be no-phone zones at the dinner table while we are discussing our day. Please be respectful and enjoy the quietness of disconnection.

DONATIONS: In the event that I personally feel inclined to donate to a specific family or individual I agree to discuss this with Tobie. I agree that donations must go through the proper channel (donated to Be Humanitarian) so that we can best run our program. We diligently try to gift items fairly to all our families and individuals without creating jealousy, mistrust or abuse. Please do not contact an individual offering additional donations. If an individual contacts you asking for donations please tell them that all donations go through our nonprofit and let Tobie know immediately.

I agree to act according to this contract and create a wonderful experience for myself and our entire group. In the spirit of creating the best experience for our entire group, any participant who is unwilling to abide by this contract may be sent home at their own expense.

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