Dear friend,
Imagine how you would feel if each month brought uncertainty about your income? Sounds unsettling, right? Our brains crave stability and predictability, but sometimes, that’s hard to come by.
This is why we value monthly donations from our sponsors—it allows us to budget, plan, and breathe a little easier. Well, guess what? You can provide that same sense of security for Be Humanitarian!
By becoming a monthly sponsor, you can help us plan ahead and ensure that our programs continue to feed our kiddos, support families, and educate future generations. Even when donations fluctuate, our community has fixed costs—tuition, uniforms, food, school supplies—and your monthly contribution makes sure those needs are met consistently.
And no matter how small, your gift makes a huge difference. Because 100% of every sponsors dollar goes directly to support our community. Just $15 a month provides nutritious meals for our children. When we all give what we can, it quickly adds up to something monumental.
So, what do you say? Join us today and become a monthly donor, making a lasting impact for the children and families we serve!
With gratitude,
Tobie Spears
Founder and Director
Be Humanitarian
P.S. If you’re already a monthly donor, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your constant support. You are truly making a difference in the lives of those we serve!