Our awesome team of volunteers helping install garden towers in remote villages. We are excited to see how they are progressing on our next trip!

Travel with us and come see for yourself what your donations and support provide for the community!

“Earn your success based on service to others, not at the expense of others.”

-H. Jackson Brown Jr.

If you love our work then tell the world!
Stories about us from people like you will help us make an even bigger impact in our community.

Please share your experiences by clicking on the QR code above! Your reviews help grassroots organizations like
Be Humanitarian more than you may know.

Upcoming Trips!

12 Day July Adventure
Guatemalan Service Vacation
July 27th – August 7th

The Institute Ireland Trip
June 13th – 22nd 2023

October Guatemalan Service Vacation
Oct 8 – 15, 2024

Fair Trade Adventure
Guatemalan Service Vacation
Jan 14 – 21, 2024