“That’s a wrap for our latest humanitarian adventure! We rode horseback up Volcan Pacaya, enjoyed volcano baked pizza and volcano roasted marshmallows, relaxed at the beach and caught amazing Guatemalan sunsets!

We had such a great time together. I wanted this trip to focus on time with our community and I’m so grateful they all make it work to come play with us. It’s my soul food to run, laugh and play with our kiddos! All is well with the world when children are laughing.”

Thank you to Kami Wardle, Zac Lovinger, Kyla Lovinger, Deann Ponciano de Valladares & Santiago Gonzalez, for making this such a productive trip!


“We decided to become a sponsor because we wanted to give back in a way that aligns with our company. Sponsoring allows us to give back, help out, and truly get involved with those we are sponsoring.

Our team is sponsoring three children and every member of our team is excited about working hard to provide for the children we are sponsoring. We are excited because this gives us a purpose outside of ourselves. Business can oftentimes be so self-serving and we wanted to break that norm and give back to others. We want to continue to do this so that we can maintain a higher purpose in our organization.”

– Joshua Webber, Co-Owner, Big Red Jelly

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We understand that there are so many worthy causes that you could choose to support. We are immensely grateful for your consideration in choosing Be Humanitarian!

Join Us On An Upcoming Trip!

October Turtle Release
Service Vacation
Oct 27 – Nov 3, 2023

Fair Trade Adventure
Guatemalan Service Vacation
Jan 14 – 21, 2024

July Adventure
Guatemalan Service Vacation
July 18 – 29th, 2024

October Turtle Release
Guatemalan Service Vacation
Oct 17 – 25, 2024